Mini Monday: Taccia, Colorverse, Robert Oster, Waterman

Happy Monday! Today marks the second week of our city quarantine. My days have been blurring together with lots of naps. This week’s post is brought to you by my beloved Pelikan M205 Aquamarine <F>. This has been a daily carry but will be retired to "ink-review status”. I’ve decided to use my Pilot 823s for EDCs as I don’t have to worry about filing up on ink frequently! I’ve always had a soft spot for this Pelikan and am quite happy to use it more often for writing.

My favorite ink this week would have to be Waterman Serenity Blue. It’s smooth, well behaved, and professional enough for work.


Taccia Kuro Black: True black. Wet. No shading.

Colorverse Season 6: Joy in the Ordinary 08 Brunch Date: Nude beige. Wet flow, high shading, no sheen.

Robert Oster Shake & Shimmer Blood Rose: Shimmering version of Robert Oster Pinky. Regular flow, silver glitter.

Waterman Paris Serenity Blue: Established in 1883 in New York. Royal blue. Smooth. Low shading, no sheen.

Dry Time/Water Resistance:

Writing Sample:

Disclaimer: This ink was purchased by me and all opinions/photos are my own. This post was not sponsored.