Ink Review #384: Lamy Blue-Black

Today we are taking a break from Tono & Lims inks to review Lamy Blue-Black. I am always on the hunt for blue-black inks; I find them appealing, sophisticated, and professional.



This ink had medium shading and med-high sheen. The red sheen stays at the edge of the letters and does not pool. The color leans more towards blue than black. It is a close match to Sailor Jentle Blue-Black and Tono & Lims Dynamite. The blue is more grey-toned than Sailor Sou Boku.

Tomoe River Paper 52 gsm

Tomoe River Paper 52 gsm

Dry Time/Water Resistance:

Tsubame Note Ink Collection Card

Tsubame Note Ink Collection Card

This ink had an average dry time of 25 seconds and medium water resistance.

Writing Sample:

Tomoe River Paper 52 gsm

Tomoe River Paper 52 gsm

This ink had an average, consistent flow. I really liked using it in my Pelikan which tends to be a wet writer. I also liked the shade of blue—you can tell that you are using a blue ink, but it is dark enough to be professional.

Overall: I adore blue-black inks and this was no exception. It is an affordable ink (around $12 for 50 mL) and is easy to find. I would definitely recommend trying a sample and have already added it to my list of future purchases.

Disclaimer: This ink was purchased by me and all opinions/photos are my own. This post was not sponsored.